
Haloo! Haloo! 
My Name is Jose May Carvajal Baylosis, a simple and bubbly human on Earth.


Actually this is not my first blog as you can check on my profile.
I've been writing since High School days. I must say,writing is something that I love to do.
Well, I stop writing blogs, because of
endless excuses . 
Blaaa! Blaaa! Blaa!

But Hey! 
I do have a Youtube channel might as well you might
want to see and hear me talking.
LINK :https://www.youtube.com/user/iiyaful And Yeah I may be in hiatus from Blogging but Hey Again! I do have a Wattpad stories going on for how many years now.Might as well,as you read this I know you love to read books and hear stories Please head over to my Wattpad Account.

I think ,I'm not gonna go back from my history ,instead I'll take you to my future Adventures!
Is that Alright Pal? I'm sure you want to. Promise to give a nothing but a Good Vibe and Informative

Thank you for visiting my Blog.

Truly Yours,


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